This week - weddings and festivals!
Firstly, call me old fashioned, but I LOVE getting post, and especially any post that is even remoptely related to hats! In part because of this, and in part because every time I enter the shop in person I'm incapable of leaving without being several metres of silk heavier and a good £50 lighter (but it's all so beautiful!), this time I ordered from my favourite Broadwick Silks by phone.
Firstly, call me old fashioned, but I LOVE getting post, and especially any post that is even remoptely related to hats! In part because of this, and in part because every time I enter the shop in person I'm incapable of leaving without being several metres of silk heavier and a good £50 lighter (but it's all so beautiful!), this time I ordered from my favourite Broadwick Silks by phone.
[NB: To be honest it didn't seem to affect the amount I spent, but at least this fabric's for bona fide orders!] ;) Imagine my delight then, when the silks I ordered for two commissions I'm working on arrived the very next day (yay!) with this super sweet note from the shop (double yay!) Adorable! :) |
All the silks are for my tried and tested / obsessively beloved silk roses: the ivory for me for Katy and Arno's August wedding, and the orange and purple for the two MOTB hats I'm working on.
[Another NB: Jacqui if you're reading this, don't worry about the smudges - it's normal on buckram blocks, I promise, and your hat will be pure Emperor purple!!]
Last but not least, this year's Glastonbury headband is all set for adventure - the fairy lights are going on tomorrow and I'll be sure to get some action shots to show you on my return! Perfect for a mud fairy I think you'll agree, and let's face it there's going to be no losing me, which is probably for the best! |
And with that I'm off to make a list of lists I need to write (and then do - yikes!) before I go. If you need a creative fix whilst I'm glasto-gallavanting then there's no better place for a browse than Handmade Harbour's Handmade Monday. See you in a couple of weeks! x