Evening all! So I've finally been driven back to temping, which is a) great, because despite earning minimum wage I've now stopped dreaming about not having enough money, and b) quite stresseful because I have less than two weeks to finish a block, two hats and three flower girls' headbands in my 'leisure' (what's that?) time, and then another three weeks to finish the other MOTB showstopper. Yikes!! I'm taking the drip feed approach of having a needle and thread in my hands at pretty much all times when I'm not entering almost illegible data (#yay.) and I'm pleased to report: so far, so good! Thank god there are roses involved - it is scientifically proven that silk roses make Ellie a happy girl :)
First up...sneak peek of the first MOTB deadline - obviously I can't show you the hat or even an overall impression until its new owner has wowed her fellow guests on the big day ;) so until then this will have to do! After some unsuccesful experimentation with tranditional hand embriodery straight onto the sinamay (it was far too twee) I reached for the Aquafilm, which frankly my dears never fails me :) I love this hat!! Can't wait to show you the whole gorgeous ensemble!! |
Next up, the first of two white silk organza roses for my own head (any excuse!) for the eagerly anticipated wedding of Katy and Arno... CAN'T WAIT!! :D The next set of petals are drying to shape as I type, and I'm hoping to have the flowers at least finished by tonight...wish me luck! ;) Tres Midsummer Night's Dream dahlinks, I'm sure you agree! :P |
I'm wearing a cream and navy 80s trouser suit (yep, yes I am..!) and so it's shoulder pad central chez moi - my wooden brim blocks are dwarfed in contrast, so I'm borrowing Jacqui's brim block's maiden voyage (makers' privileges surely!) in the process to balance it all out! It's finally off the clay and getting stronger by the day, but my poor fingers are like sandpaper! It'll be worth it in the end! |
And finally, I was in lovely Yorkshire this weekend - when the promised heatwave didn't materialise (rude) we spent a rainy but happy afternoon in the Castle Museum :) Imagine my delight when we discovered a milliner's on the recreated Victorian street!! Amazing! :D Even th hat stands are ornate! My kinda place ha! :)
And so I'm off back to my trusty thimble, see you in a couple of (hopefully sunny!) weeks and pop over to Handmade Monday in the meantime. TTFN my dears! :) x